Welcome to Breen's Puzzles

2024-05-22: This site was created in around 2012, but I've since lost the original database and therefore leaderboard. Sorry to all those who were crushing it. I'm reviving the site just for fun, and it's been long enough that I'll probably struggle to solve these myself.

This site was inspired by Project Euler, The Python Challenge, and Not Pron. The puzzles were created by Dan Breen and are hopefully fairly original.

Register for an account if you haven't already so that you can start solving. If you already have an account, log in now.

10 puzzles so far...
Show me the Puzzles!


This is very much a work in progress. If you have any ideas for features or new puzzles, email: puzzles at danbreen dot net. Credit will be given where applicable if you help create a new puzzle.